How To Maximize Your Instagram Game

In “The Art of Social Media”, Guy Kawasaki give some tips for Instagram. Instagram has over a billion
active users and is the fastest rate of any other social platform. It’s very influential in the everyday
persons’ life. People spend on average 53 minutes per day, and I can tell you that I am on it for at least
that. People have even altered their habits to get the perfect picture to post. 

Guy Kawasaki shares five tips for Instagram. The first one is to keep it simple. The goal is to not
overthink it. Your photos should be interesting and should show pieces of your life. Captions should
be short, witty, and to the point. It’s that simple! The second tip is to piggyback on popular hashtags.
You should add two or three relevant hashtags to your posts. The goal of this is to increase your
visibility. Instatag is a useful phone app that helps you find lists of popular tags that you can cut
and paste into posts. The third is to finesse the filters. You can either use Instagram filters or use
other apps for a custom look. A lot of users like to create an aesthetic for their page. This creates
a consistent look that makes your page appear professional. The fourth tip is to not show off. If
you continuously post selfies and travel photos, people will start to get overwhelmed and maybe
annoyed with your posts, so limit these. Use your photos to tell a story, not to brag. The fifth is to
double dip on photos. Sharing posts on both Instagram and Twitter. This will increase your viewership. 

From running Instagram pages for multiple accounts, I can attest to these tips being very useful.
Instagram isn’t going away so you should learn how to use it correctly!


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