Avoid Cluelessness

In “The Art of Social Media”, Guy Kawasaki talks about how to avoid looking clueless. He says to not complain about posts
you don’t like. If you don’t like them, ignore them or don’t follow that person. You can’t tell other people what they should
or should not post. You aren’t going to always agree with content. Another huge thing is to not buy followers or likes.
Its cheating. The followers that you buy don’t actually benefit your brand. These followers you buy won’t be active, therefore
you won’t actually be growing your following. It’s fake. 
This is something that I have never understood. Why buy followers when most of them are fake? Yes, you will generate more
likes but you won’t actually be generating an interaction between followers who actually care about your content. The point of
having social media pages for an organization or business is to grow your following and express your brand in a positive way.
You should want to gain a following honestly, to know if you are conveying yourself in an effective way. Doing it any other way
is dishonest. 

Kawasaki also speaks firmly on not delegating an intern to manage social media. This is kinda a no-brainer to me. I completely
agree with this. Being an intern this summer, I could not imagine running a client’s instagram page. I do think I am able to do it,
but I don’t think it would be smart to change social media managers every few months when interns are switched out. There should
be consistent and knowledgeable professionals running clients’ social media pages.


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